After order is successfully placed at Bagwaan, order can be cancelled anytime before dispatch.

After order is placed and it is yet not delivered to location then buyer can place the cancellation request via phone or email which is mention in contact us page. As of now, there is no option to cancel an order from the customer end. A customer can request cancellation/refund to us directly via contact form.

After order is successfully placed at Bagwaan and product is Dispatch to delivery

As of now, if the delivery is not done then buyer can place the cancellation request via phone or email which is mention in contact us page. As of now, there is no option to cancel an order from the customer end. A customer can request cancellation/refund to us directly via contact form.

In case buyer has placed the request to cancel but still product is dispatched

If the buyer has placed the request to cancel the product/s but still it is out for delivery then in that case buyer should refuse to accept the product by showing cancellation receipt obtained after successful cancellation request. But if the user accept the product despite of cancelling the product then in this case no refund will be allowed even buyer has placed the request. However in this situation buyers has the option to return the product as per the return policy.

Note: In case you’re still contacted for delivery, please refuse to accept it.

Shipping charge in case of cancellation

In case, the of cancellation request is placed or request by the buyer then Shipping charge will not be refunded (Any refund will be made after deducting the shipping charge)

Refund of amount after successful Cancellation

Refund for the Cancelled product/s will be made as per terms and condition of refund amount. Typically the refund will be provided within 4-6 working business days to the same account through which order payment was done.

Mail format and necessary information request for the cancellation of products.

  • Cancellation request will be accepted only when the request is made through the email id or mobile number which was mentioned / present in the billing detail.
  • While placing the cancellation request, buyer need to mention / provide the “Order Id” (is must)
  • While verifying the order if for cancellation, buyers needs to provide all the detail correct and should be match with the billing detail. In case, any single detail is not matched with the information provided by the buyer for the cancellation then order will not be cancel.


For any dispute and clarification, buyer can reach to us through contact us page.

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